Course curriculum
Introduction and course outline
Introduction to the Course with Dylan Walker
Course Outline
Chapter 1: What is Responsible Whale Watching?
Module 1: Impacts and Benefits of Whale Watching
Module 2: What is Responsible Whale Watching?
Module 3: Guidelines and Responsible Whale Watching
Module 4: Let's Hear from Our Partners: What do we say about guidelines?
Chapter 1: Quiz
Chapter 2: Who is going whale watching?
Module 1: Who is Your Audience?
Module 2: Let's Hear from Our Partners: Engaging your Audience
Chapter 2: Quiz
Chapter 3: What information should I share with passengers?
Module 1: What Information do I Share with Passengers?
Module 2: What and How Much do I Need to Know?
Module 3_Let's Hear from Our Partners: Some common (and some ridiculous) questions and how we answer them
Chapter 3: Quiz
Chapter 4: How do I share information?
Module 1: Whale Watching Framework: Three models for a trip
Module 2: Mulitple Intelligences and Multi-sensory learning
Module 3: Let's Hear from Our Partners! What we feel we do well!
Module 4: Tricks of the Trade_How to be a great guide
Module 5: Let's Hear from Our Partners: Challenges and tricks of the trade
Chapter 4: Quiz
Chapter 5: More Than Just a Whale Watch
Module 1: Sustainability Criteria: Environmental
Module 2: Sustainability Criteria: Social and Economic
Module 3: Let's Hear from Our Partners: Advice for novice and experienced whale watch guides
Chapter 5: Quiz
Final Project and Supplemental Materials
Final Project Description
WCA Global Best Practice Guidance Whale Watch_LowRes